How Can This Be? How To Respond When You Don’t Understand.

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Have you ever found yourself in a puzzling or disturbing situation? How did you respond?

There have been times I received news or was in a situation that left me with questions. And in those circumstances, I didn’t know what to do or how to respond. I didn’t understand why God would allow the events in my life, and I didn’t comprehend His ways. I just wanted some answers and clarity.

All of us find ourselves in a perplexing or difficult situation at one time or another. We don’t always understand, and we want answers. But unfortunately, we don’t have all the answers, and our understanding is limited as humans.

Mary was a young virgin girl who lived in Nazareth, a town in the region of Galilee. God sent an angel to visit her and tell her that she would become pregnant and give birth to a son. But this baby wasn’t just any boy; He was the Son of God. And his name would be Jesus.

We read the account of Mary in Luke 1:26-38. And when we read about the angel’s visit, it’s clear that Mary didn’t understand and had questions about the news the angel had given her. She was confused, but her actions can teach us how to respond even when we don’t understand the situation we are facing. Mary did three things we ought to do: Seek God, Trust God, and Serve God.

First, we must seek God. Mary had questions, and she knew from whom to seek the answers; the One who has the answers. It is encouraging for us to know that God invites us to come to Him with our questions! James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

 When you find yourself with questions, seek the One with the answers.

God’s heart is for his children, those who have believed and trusted in His Son, Jesus Christ, for their salvation. He loves us enough not to let us drift around without an anchor. Seek Him and find his heart for you. He is willing to give wisdom generously if we just ask!

Second, we must trust God. Mary didn’t understand the “how” of the message, but she trusted the One who sent the message. We won’t always understand God’s ways. God reminds us in Isaiah 55:8-9, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” But we can trust His character.

When you don’t understand, trust God’s character.

God is righteous; He is perfect in everything He does. When we don’t understand, we can remember “for no word from God will ever fail.”. What God says will happen, happens, and what He says He will do, He does. He is faithful, and His strength will sustain us in any situation He allows into our lives. We can trust that God knows what is best for us and can carry out His plan for our lives.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 reminds us that the One who trusts in God is blessed. And if our confidence is in God, we will be like a tree with lifegiving roots that will keep us firmly planted and refreshed, free from worry amid our circumstances.

Third, we must respond with a willingness to serve God. Mary sought God, and she trusted Him, enabling her to respond, even in a situation she didn’t comprehend, with the attitude of a humble servant. In her response, Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant.” She was obedient and willing to do whatever she needed to carry out God’s plan for her life.

Be willing to serve God in obedience no matter the circumstances.

 Mary’s final words to the angel were, “may your words to me be fulfilled.” I can picture a young girl, after hearing the news she could have never fathomed, now being filled with anticipation and expectation of God’s work in her life. I can imagine Mary exhaling a sigh of relief, and a breath of determination mingled with delight. Mary was willing to serve the God she loved!

Mary willingly submitted to God’s will and, as a result, gave birth to God’s Son, Jesus Christ. God used an ordinary girl to fulfill his extraordinary plan of salvation for the world.

Reflect: What is God asking you to do? What situation are you facing that may be challenging and don’t fully understand? Will you seek God? Will you trust Him? And are you willing to live in obedience as you serve Him? When you do, God will work in mind-blowing ways you would never imagine!

Prayer: Father, I admit that I often don’t understand your ways. Help me to remember to seek your wisdom and trust your character. Give me the strength to respond with an attitude of humility as I resolve to serve you.

© 2022 Robin R King








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