15 Years

When Rod was diagnosed with liver disease in 2001, the doctor gave him months to live. As he entered the ICU on that August night in 2002, his months had become days, and very soon his days,  would become hours. As his kidneys began to fail, we received the news on a Sunday, that early Monday morning he would have a liver transplant. A donor had been located and he would have the opportunity for a new lease on life.

As wonderful as the news was, with the reality of a liver transplant comes uncertainty.  There was the surgery and recovery he would endure. There were new medications with their side effects, and the realization that still, risks were involved and the next day was not promised. Not for Rod, nor for any of us.  As I prayed over Rod, God gave me the assurance he would be healed; either on this earth or in heaven. Which place I did not know, but God’s promise embedded me with an underlying peace.  A good friend gave us a picture of Jesus holding a wounded man and the words of John 14:27,  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  It has become my life verse. One of the few I have memorized completely, and an anchor for my soul when life gets turbulent.

On Saturday, August 19, 2017, without much fanfare, Rod celebrated the 15th Anniversary of his liver transplant. God gave him the gift of 15 more years and as his wife, I can say it has not been wasted time. I’m not sure if Rod made a deal with God, but if he did, he has upheld his part. Every day is lived for God’s glory and name. Every day, he lives a life of integrity and honor. Every day, his focus is on carrying out God’s purpose and plan for his life. If you knew Rod before and you know him now, you recognize a miracle took place on that operating table not only physically but spiritually as well.

As if Rod were raised from the dead, my friend calls him  “our Lazarus” and I believe it is true. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead so the people would see his power and glory and come to know him. Through Rod’s “raising”, the truth of Romans 1:5 is understood: “And now, through Christ, all the kindness of God has been poured out upon us undeserving sinners; and now he is sending us out around the world to tell all people everywhere the great things God has done for them, so that they, too, will believe and obey him.”

We never ceased to be amazed at God’s love and goodness bestowed on us. Rod and I are undeserving sinners, receiving undeserved grace and kindness, so others will believe.

Thank you Lord for 15 years.


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  1. Powerful in so many ways. I am grateful to know this side of the story. I remember you sharing your verse with me in the back of church van that first time I went w/your old SS class. The ceiling of the van was touching our heads but I remember how powerful Rods Saving story was and how it makes me understand his zeal! Thank you for sharing it again

  2. Great story, Robin. I have only known Rod a few years but it was evident when I first met him that he has a special connection to God and is full of the Holy Spirit and he boldly shares this special connection. You are right, if he made a deal with God for life, he has definitely kept his side of it!
    I look forward to every Sunday School class and every Outdoors Ministry event just to be there and hear God share with us through Rod.
    God bless you as well for standing beside him and allowing him to serve in the capacity and devotion that he does. He often tells us that he spent a good portion of his time early in your marriage being away for the wrong reasons. Now any time he spends away, it is for the right reasons.
    I thank God for you and Rod.

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